Facepalm moment of my life
It was the first week of July. My elder cousin sister’s wedding. She’s very dear to me. The wedding was destined to be in Kota in Rajasthan which is our native land. A typical Indian wedding lasts for about a week which embraces various customs and traditions. And no Indian wedding is complete if there’s no bachelor’s party. For those who aren’t familiar with this term, it refers to a party dedicated to the man and woman who are to shortly enter their marriage life. It generally comprises of snacks and alcohol with round the clock playing music. The most highlighting element is alcohol undoubtedly.
Moving on, we all cousins were unofficially invited to the party. The party was a half-secret as our beloved elders got to know about it and were suspecting all of us. We defended by saying it’ll all be snacks and music, nothing more than that. But deep inside we smirked what was going to happen.
Ad interim, we all spruced up in top-drawer attire. Although the party started a bit late due to some minor reasons, we were all full of beans for the celebration. We reached the destination accordingly. The moment we entered the party arena, we were fired up by the arrangement. We exchanged warm greetings with the bride and groom and some of their acquaintances. Most of them were couples. Then, we rushed towards the bar section to do the honors. The bartender offered us 30ml whiskey shots. We all mixed some soft drinks or soda with it and took small sips. Later, we encouraged each other to advance a level higher. Some of us started to take neat shots of whiskey. Initially, it was 30ml but gradually it geared up to 60ml. We were eating snacks and guzzling lemon juice to cast aside the effects of alcoholism. Not sure about others, I appeared to ignore the fact slowly as I was more indulged in dancing and drinking. I’m not a regular drinker but I had some other plans that night. One of my cousins forced me to drink another whiskey neat shot. I couldn’t resist and went to the bartender to ask for more. My elder brother warned me but I didn’t pay any heed to him. I drank that another shot and sat on a chair as I felt a little exhausted. When I thought I had gathered some energy, I tried to lift myself up but failed. I tried again but to no success. That very moment I realized that I had a meltdown and was high as a bird. I got hit by those neat shots like Thor’s hammer. My elder brother saw me resting my head on the table and knew I was drunk. I could barely open my eyes. He came to me and calmly scolded me. He told me to drink some lime juice and no more alcohol. I followed him. Then thoughts about career and future plans crossed my mind from nowhere. They looked so spine-chilling that I started sobbing with my eyes closed and head still resting on the table. My brother came to me again to check my situation. He lifted my head up languidly and saw tears coursing down my cheeks. He asked me what happened. I broke down bragging out everything that’s been eating me a lot for the past few weeks. I started by saying what kinda loser I am. He argued with me saying I have gone insane. I continued replying that I was a burden on you and our parents and a misguided brat with no aim. He got the picture that I’ve been highly affected by debauchery. He lifted me on his shoulders and took me to the nearest washroom in case I wanted to puke. I told him I was not feeling like vomiting but he persuaded me to do so. But I nodded him that I was not that down. In the meanwhile, one of my cousins brought me a chair to sit upon. Both of them lifted me up and encouraged me to sit on the chair. I sat with tears continued to ooze out from my eyes. I could hear all of them discussing what had happened and what could be done because it was quite late and we had to go to our home. I knew I became a wet blanket for them as they couldn’t enjoy the party properly. They all looked worried looking at my condition. I kept assuring them that I was fine and told them to enjoy the party. The party soon came to an end. We all decided to simply reach our home and grab a bed. My brother lifted me and took to our car. My cousin brother drove us to our home. They took me to the nearest room and laid me down on a couch. I checked my cell phone for some notifications and took a deep breath. Gradually I went down for slumber. The next morning I woke up with my head a little shaken. My dear father came to me and asked about the previous night. I spat out everything as he’s very open-minded on such issues. He laughed it off warning me to be careful the next time. I stooped down in shame. I tried to recollect about the incident that occurred last night. I laughed out in embarrassment and was getting nervous as to how I’m gonna face my siblings. I did the usual chores of getting ready but that incident seemed to not escape my mind that easily. I donned up an ethical outfit to attend the upcoming wedding rituals. There we all caught up each other. They all were ridiculing me and howled out in laughter. My cheeks turned red and I was dumbstruck.
This is the only facepalm moment that I’ve endured in my life till yet. The entire incident taught me something which I will never forget. Never engage yourselves in debauchery. If you still wanna drink, make sure you just stay on the edge. Make sure you’re able to move and gesture properly. And if you got a hangover, pick any corner of the room and stay there calm. Don’t utter a single word. Just inform others that you got hit and trying to gain consciousness. Don’t create any kind of havoc or crescendo.
After that forgetful incident, I cease to even drink a droplet of alcohol. Even now when we friends throw up a party, that shameful incident clicks my mind and I automatically take care of everything. I assure that I don’t drink too much and resist on persuasion from others. My friends applaud me for my decent behavior hilariously.