Education & Technology
Technology has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. It makes herculean tasks seem easy. It has brought a significant revolution in almost every arena, especially in the education sector, where both the teachers and the students can benefit from its existence. Technological intervention in pedagogy has not only improved the teaching methods but also improved the learning capacity of the students, hence proving to be a major tool for both. However, an issue has been raised doubting the present condition of teaching under the umbrella of technology. On one hand, it promotes innovation and on the other hand, it encourages unethical methods like cheating.
Let’s put some light on the pros and cons of technology in the field of education.
Fun with learning
It brings excitement in a dull classroom by allowing the students to use electronic gadgets like cell phones and laptops. Moreover, it becomes easier for the pedagogue to record everyone’s attendance and overall performance.
Online tools
Learning can be made more interesting and efficient. Various online resources are available on our fingertips depending on our interests where we can learn at our own pace. Online tools can be used to write assignments and essays. Accessing information has become a lot easier. Students now use multimedia applications like YouTube where they can learn by watching video lectures.
Internet and Social Media
With the evolution of the internet, students can team up with others through various social media platforms, for instance, Facebook, Instagram etc. This helps in clearing each other’s doubts and promoting intellectual discussions. Pupils can grasp useful life lessons from different online self-improvement sites which help them in building their future too.
Teacher-pupil relationship
The interaction between teachers and disciples increases. Teachers are now able to teach effectively while students succeed in acquiring knowledge efficiently. Students become more curious which makes them work on the assignments given to them by their teachers without leaving it undone.
Easy Distraction
Students easily get carried away by social media when they keep on chatting instead of discussing problems with others. Moreover, they tend to browse sites which have inappropriate content which can prove disastrous for their studies. Majority of technology-based games are very addictive. Students spend more time on them instead of solving problems.
Shortcut methods
Students indulge in unethical methods like cheating, especially during tests and exams to achieve good marks. This hinders their learning capacity and self-reliance. Since it’s easy to collect information with just one click, students do not feel the urge to walk an extra mile making them lazy.
Social life and health
Technology is doom for those who are shy in nature as they use social media more often instead of physically interacting with others, hence degrading their social circle. Some learners can suffer from dizziness and may have eyesight if they spend excessive time on electronic gadgets.
Security issues
Students’ study materials which are saved as soft copies can be compromised considering cybersecurity issues. The network which they are using to access information might not be secured and lead to hampering of data privacy.
Internet access
Not all curious thinkers have access to the internet. Some cannot even afford it. They have to rely on traditional methods of reading books and writing notes.